No body realizes yet that we have a website, mainly because I feel we are too boring of people for others to stalk, it would be an embarrassment to myself so see so little page views...haha, just kidding. But really, I don't feel like mentioning that we have a website until we are leaving for New Zealand (which is less than 6 months away! YIKES!)  For, when we are leaving for New Zealand, I feel our lives should become rather interesting and maybe worthy of frequent updates as to what we are doing! This section however is dedicated to BOOKS that either myself (britt) or Paul has read, or is reading. We find ourselves (mostly paul) reading alot, and would love to comment, question, or "ah-ha" different books.

We just received a Kindle (big smiley face here) for Christmas, and I have just finished the first book, of I'm sure many to come on this little interesting and mind boggeling device. What was the book you ask? Why it was none other than Pride and Prejudice. Wowzer, what a great read, I wish I could fluently speak on the deep and  analytical  themes and motifs of the book (because there are so many!), however my writing is not that advanced. Which is a main motive for this page on our website! I find I have difficulty explaining what I learned in books, or actually recounting what I have read to others, sooo I figured if I set up this page, it would make me reflect on my different readings, even though I realize I'm opening myself up to the criticisms of many others. OH WELL! I'll get over it. So hopefully in the future I will post about what I gained from different books, and maybe able to recommend or maybe send avoidance notices ;) Well that is all for now, I'm off to enjoy a delicious meal prepared my most loving sister. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!    

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." John 3:16-17